Deciding to different can win points in other corporate ways too. Just like people signal status by not conforming brands can also signal status with a nonconforming advertising campaign or a CEO having in a nonconforming way Keinan says. It sends the signal that this CEO and company are confident enough that they can have in a nonconforming way cause they are a high status brand.
The authors say a key message
Or firms and individuals is simple It s not only OK to yourself but it can actually very neficial. You re seen as confident autonomous and well regard. CEO LY BROTHERS CORP. SUGAR BOWL BAKERY Dress comfortably is a must for me and not trying to someone for anyone else. No ne to build others brand. Build my own brand by ing who I am and comfortable C MIDDLETON BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT I work in a field were business casual and casual are the norm. I however choose to wear a suit and tie to set myself apart from the competition both internal and external. This article helps to validate my lief in wear what makes you feel comfortable.
You can always see when a person
Comfortable in that suit or dress. MIKE FLANAGAN C.P.M. MS PROCUREMENT MANAGER We us to have a dress code of white shirts and ties. I wore non conservative ties Donald Duck Company emblems and Looney Tune caricatures . It was done to show that I was different and stood out. Most people in the industry know who I am by my ties. In fact some want to see what my tie is fore we get down to business. The company has gone to a casual dress code while I still wear my ties. I have confidence in my profession and in my performance. I lieve the style of dress for work does imply how confident you are. KRISTEN HIGHER UCATION PROFESSIONAL It would interesting to hear the professors address any gender bias in their findings.