When you are really familiar with each other you. I tend not to go outside of your circle to get an outside opinion Xuan says. The findings are in line with some organizational . Ihavior studies which have found that that work groups perform tter when memrs learn from one another s disparate experiences.
I think this carries over
To venture fund startups in which having a diversity of venture capitalists around the table is actually critical to their success Gompers says. Take two people who once . Iwork at Google who went to Harvard Business School and who are Indian American. They probably Guatemala Phone Number List look at things . Iin a very similar way and are unlikely to challenge each other. But at the early stage of a company you want the people around the table. I to challenge each other. Gompers and Xuan make a point of sharing the finds with students in the MBA program at HBS many of whom pursue careers in the venture capital industry. In fact people with Harvard MBAs make up.
The professional ranks at venture
Capital firms in the Unit States according to a study by PitchBook. A network that powerful must ware the power of groupthink and collaborate Bahrain WhatsApp Number List with other networks the professors advise. Students come to HBS cause in addition to having access to great faculty like with other students who are extremely talent and successful Gompers says. And of course they should continue to tap this network. But it s likely that if you re an HBS MBA you think like other HBS MBAs cause you took the same courses from the same professors. And it s important for students to realize that it might useful to have a diversity of people around the table when you make investment decisions or you re working on new ventures.